S.T.O.P Education and Rehabilitation Course

Sexual Tendencies Offense Prevention
Sexual Tendencies Offense Prevention 4-Hour Course
Organizations, Professions, and Individuals that Serve a Population who’s at a Higher Risk of Experiencing or Inflicting Sex Crimes.
- Courts and Judicial System
- Health Care Agencies, Home Care Agencies, Group Homes, and any Senior or Minor Environment
- Child Education Facilities such as Schools
- Child Daycare and Senior Daycare Agencies
- Senior Homes, Rehab, and Therapy Facilities
- Sports and Athletic Clubs and Teams
- Welfare and Social Workers
- Law Enforcement and Legal Professional
- Health Care Workers
- Churches and Assembly where Children Gather
- Boarding Schools and Summer Camp
Course Overview
I. Rational:
Serves as an Educational Course to Help Prevent Sexual Offensive Behavior and Reduce Repeat Criminal Sexual Offenses:

Redirect bad tendencies and avoid hurt and consequences.
With the constant increase in the sex offenders population, more and more individuals wind up in correctional institutions for committing sex crimes “sex offenders”. This also means an ever-growing sex offenders registry and an even greater challenge for the legal system to provide effective resources that help prevent second-time sexual offenses. This is where the “S.T.O.P Education Program” taught in correctional institutions, serves as a great and effective resource. The S.T.O.P Program would be offered to individuals charged or convicted of a sex crime. The course can be taken during their time at a correctional institution, prior to being released, or court-ordered by the justice system as a required step prior to closing the case.
Offered as a Preventative Course for Professions Associated with Sports and Athletes:

Learn Boundaries
More and more child sexual abuse cases and crimes are surfacing within the sports and athletic community. Practicing prevention would be the most effective tool to help decrease the percentage of these crimes. The “S.T.O.P Education Program” is an impactful prevention course offered to coaches and sports staff to help prevent and reduce the number of incidents that have been causing lasting damage to the victims, their families, and the educational institution. The course provides tools to help individuals; identify their own sexual weaknesses, resources for practicing respectful boundaries, information on the consequences associated with sex crimes, and resources on how, when, and where to report or seek help for sex crimes.
Court-Ordered Sexual Abuse Prevention Program:

Say no to urges and say yes to safe space.
When facilitated, the “S.T.O.P Education Program” can be quite effective in the court system for individuals charged or convicted in child neglect and sexual abuse cases. The implementation of this program\ within the legal and educational system would help to minimize the number of repeat offenders but also impacts the number of first-time sexual offenses. Sexual Abuse can often be prevented if the ignorance towards legal implications is targeted and resources on the topic are provided to those experiencing unhealthy sexual tendencies. This course would be most effective when taught to educators, parents, and families of children in a welfare situation, foster parents, and blended families through mental health or pastoral counseling professionals, including churches.
Prevention and Awareness Education for High-Risk Professions:

Identify victim behavior
Offering the STOP Program to professionals in these fields: law enforcement, mental health, human services, and the public school system, brings great awareness, equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to educate and prevent sex crimes. professionals will be able to increase their understanding and better identify sex crimes, potential victims of sexual abuse, and potential offenders. The course offers an in-debt look at resources that are available to both victims and offenders for prevention and treatment.
For Guardians and Parents Wanting to Safeguard their Children from Experiencing Sexual Abuse or Infliction of Sexual Abuse:

Breaking the silence
While rehabilitation is very effective and beneficial to all parties; we strongly believe that prevention is even greater. Preventing crimes before they happen not just saves victims from a lot of pain and trauma but potential offenders and their families from mutual pain, trauma, and punishment as well. The punishment for such crimes is very harsh and no parent wants to see their children become victims of these cases on either side. Being able to identify and redirect sexual behaviors, patterns, and tendencies that could lead to an offense is the key. The program provides individuals with the tools and resources necessary to help prevent and protect children in their care from sexual crimes. This program is only suitable for individuals 18 years of age and older or individuals legally deemed to be an adult.