Admissions Enrollment Process


The enrollment process is one of, if not the most important step in the entire admissions process. Most institution struggles with teaching newly hired admission staff, the ins and outs of enrollment. Hoping they can take the student through the full enrollment process with minimal to zero hiccups. It is important to understand that this is a very detrimental phase in the process and at this stage potential students are often misled, misguided, misinformed, or just plain and simple, missed or forgotten.

Without training and full knowledge of how to flow successfully through this process, Institutions often lose thousands of dollars and hundreds of students during this phase each year. It is worth the upfront investment to professional train admissions staff to be knowledgeable in this area.

Here’s What’s in the Course:

This Course has 4 Module

Admissions Enrollment Process Course AEPC100

Module 1: Admission’s Common Practice 100

Module 2: Building the Admissions Pipeline 100

Module 3: Capturing Success Through Student Experience 100

Module 4: Beyond Enrollment Matters 100

The focus areas within the modules above are:

  • Lead Status/Disposition
  • Contact Methods
  • Initial Phone Interview
  • Admissions Interview and Presentation Process
  • Admissions Tour
  • Investment/Tuition
  • Application/Enroll Process
  • Follow-Up/Stich-in
  • Start and Orientation
  • Cancels and Retention
  • Re-Enrollment/Re-entry

Course Details:

Completion Length- 40 Hours (Self-Pace 8 Days allowed)

Course Cost $499.00

Delivery Method- Online Classroom and Live Webinars

Completion- Certificate of Completion Awarded (Printable)

Requirements- Complete Sign-Up Form